Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How entirely cool!!!

This is a link to my friend Shayla's blog...

This is her dad and brother and President Bush during a mountain bike ride! Whether you appreciated him as a President or not, you have to admit that it would be SO COOL to go mountain bike riding with a former PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!! At least I do!

And this was linked with her permission, so if you decide to share, please ask her first.

I'm so proud of my son!

I found another picture of Brian on the Company Journals!!! He is the third person in the first row! I can't hardly wait until he graduates!!!!

Semper Paratus!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Well... You have to take the good with the bad.

I was very excited to get a call from my son tonight, but before I could get too happy, he said, "Don't get too excited yet. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I've been reverted to Victor Company and I won't graduate until July 31st rather than July 24th." Well, that just let the air out of my balloon. I asked what happened and he said, "Well, they got me the first time for having dirty laundry in my rack and then (I'm assuming today) they found a damp towel in my rack so I got busted." I said, "Well, that's a tough break." He said, "But the good news is that I've got my assignment! I'm going to the USCGC Dallas in Charleston, SC!!" He was excited about that! I told him that I would change all our travel plans and we'd see him on the 31st. He said he thought he'd get to call me again next weekend!

I am disappointed, but it's just one of those life lessons that he has to learn and it's one of the hardest kind for him to learn! He's a slob! LOL! I admit it! I was hoping they would break him of it. Either they will, or he will stay in boot camp for a year! LOL!!!
On a brighter note, he is kicking butt in class!!! He said he was acing all the tests and he was one of nine that made 100 on the mid-term! So that makes me really proud!
I wish I didn't have to wait another week to see him, but he's learning the hard way what it means to follow orders and be precise!
Semper Paratus!